
Product Updates 10.02.25

Twenty7tec launches update to Affordability UI

Twenty7tec has released updates to its Affordability UI, which will streamline data entry and provide clearer guidance to users on the information required to perform a search across all lenders.

At the top of the affordability page, you will now see a ‘Required Fields’ section that can be expanded to see all mandatory fields that need to be filled before a search can be done.

The fields listed in this section will also have a direct link to the actual field in the form, so you do not have to search the different sections to find them.

The required fields also have an asterisk (*) added next to them, denoting that they are mandatory:

The sections under the Mortgage Requirements, Client Details and Property Details tabs have been added to the top of the page instead of being displayed as expanding and collapsing sections. By doing this, we are able to indicate clearly where required data is missing:

Various other enhancements that will assist you in navigating and completing the form have been added, all of which form part of a standard best practice approach:

A focus border has been added to highlight the selected field:

Drop-down menus with 3 or 4 options have been turned buttons, making it quicker and easier to see and select the one required:

Date fields now show that dates can be typed in or selected from the date picker:

The multiple data field columns in the Applicant Details and Other Income sections have been turned into single columns to streamline the process of filling in data:

Applicant Details

Other Income